The  Team  at  CGFC

There are many people who make the ministry at Cottage Grove Faith Center happen! Here are a few key leaders. A huge debt of gratitude to all of the volunteer leaders! 

  • Kevin & dEANA Pruett: Lead PastorS

    Kevin and Deana Pruett have been married 34 years and have five wonderful children three grandchildren. The Pruett's have 28 years of pastoral ministry together.  

    Contact Kevin:

  • Angela Pearson: Children's Director

    Angela loves Jesus and is passionate about sharing Gods love with our kids. She is married to Victor  & they have 4 wonderful children. 

    Contact Angela:

  • Natalie & jACOB Thiessen: Worship DirectorS

    Natalie studied Ministry Leadership & Creative Arts at New Hope Christian College, where she met her husband Jacob. They've been serving in worship ministry together since the day they met! 

    Contact Natalie: